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Meeting Minutes: July 2014

Amboy Friends Monthly Meeting met July 20, 2014, after a carry-in meal. There were 18 members present.

Clerk Michael Reynolds opened with thoughts about his time at VBS and with prayer.

The June minutes were read and approved.

The July treasurer’s report was presented and approved. Clerk Reynolds shared that the budget through June is $52,854 with offering income totaling $50,983. This leaves a shortfall of $1,871.

The pastor’s report was presented and approved. Pastor Dwight Elliott received approval from Ministry & Oversight to begin a Friends group at Indiana Wesleyan University, meeting with students a few times a semester to help link them to Indiana Yearly Meeting churches. He also agreed to hold a 4 p.m. service at Suite Living in Sweetser the second Sunday of each month and needs a pianist and vocalist to help with this outreach. Other upcoming events include: IYM sessions July 24-27, family vacation August 2-9, a membership class beginning in August, and the August sermon series of “Being Rich in What Matters Most.” IYM Superintendent Doug Shoemaker will fill the pulpit August 3.

The year-end Christian Education report was presented and approved. This committee helped coordinate VBS; Children’s Church; the Thanksgiving tree, Hanging of the Greens; and the egg hunt, foot washing, and stations of the cross on Easter.

The year-end Missions Committee report was presented and approved. The church continues to support many local and international ministries, and special gifts and love offerings were given to the Overman and Cantrell families. It was noted that Victor and Brenda White and the Kendall family are no longer serving with the Indian missions we sponsored, so our support has ended for those ministries.

New Business
Missions Gifts: The Missions Committee gave a special gift to the Anthony Gibson family to help as his mother, Linda, is hospitalized. The committee would also like to collect a love offering for the family on August 3. This was approved. The fifth Sunday of August falls on Labor Day weekend, so the committee also asked if the offering from August 24 could be designated for discretionary care. This was approved.

Meeting Changes: Clerk Reynolds shared that he and Recording Clerk Tracy Dubois have conflicts on the regular August meeting date. It was decided that the next meeting will be August 24 following a carry-in meal. The regularly-scheduled meeting for September falls on the same day as the Community Service at the Park, so that meeting will be moved to September 28 following a carry-in.

Michael Reynolds, Clerk
Tracy Dubois, Recording Clerk