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Free Meal Ministry: Food Pantry Needs

The Free Meal Ministry Food Pantry shelves are almost empty of food products; however, the pantry has a decent supply of paper products and laundry soap. Here are some immediate needs: canned soups (regular and family size), ramen noodles, canned fruits (applesauce, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, pineapple), grape jelly, chili with beans, dried beans, pancake mix, potato sides (pouch), hamburger helper, corn muffin mix, cereal, and hot chocolate (single packages). Items always in demand are peanut butter, canned meats, and pasta and sauces.

The ministry is currently servicing the same 12-15 families, but the winter months are always harder on their finances, so the pantry items they are requesting have increased. Each month, God gives encouragement and affirmation that this ministry is vital. Here is what someone left on a prayer request card last Sunday: "May God bless all the volunteers at the food ministry. They're all such ANGELS!!"

Thanks for any help you can give to the food pantry and the Free Meal Ministry!