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Ministries at Amboy Friends Church

Here are some ways you can get involved at Amboy Friends Church. We look forward to partnering in ministry with you!

Sunday School (all ages): Individual classes meet each Sunday from 9:30-10:10 a.m. (Exception, the first Sunday of each month is Donut Sunday, and everyone meets downstairs to share breakfast together during Sunday School time.)

Free Meal Ministry (all ages): A free meal is hosted for the community in the Amboy Friends Family Life Center the fourth Sunday of most months. There is also a food pantry available. Volunteers and food pantry donations are always welcome.

Youth Group (7th thru 12th graders): The youth meet every Sunday at the church from 5-7 p.m.

Teen Worship Band (youth): This group of students meets weekly to practice praise music and study the Bible.

Amboy Choir (adults): The choir meets most weeks to prepare for Sunday service and special musical events.

Men’s Bible Study (men only): This group meets weekly at the home of Michael Fruth to study Scripture in a topical format, often using DVDs and always including snacks.

Women’s Bible Study (ladies only): This group meets weekly at the home of Lisa Vincent to study the Bible.

Lifegroup: A small group that meets at the church twice a month for a meal and DVD study.

Social Adult Meal (adults): This group meets monthly for lunch at a nearby restaurant. Although you buy your own meal, it’s a great time of fun and fellowship.

Boy Scouts (boys 1st grade or higher): The Scouts meet each week at the church with John Norris.